7 blue egg-laying chickens: Perfect as Pets

Know about blue eggs, factors contributing to blue egg formation, frequently blue egg-laying chickens, occasionally blue egg-laying chickens, owner suitability, and benefits of having blue egg-laying chickens.


Have you ever cracked open an egg and found a stunning blue shell? Blue egg-laying chickens are a real treat for anyone interested in raising chickens or just curious about unique poultry. This article will take you on a journey to understand what makes these chickens special, the different breeds that lay blue eggs, and why you might want to add them to your backyard flock.

Understanding Blue Egg Colors

Genetic Factors Leading to Blue Eggshell Pigmentation

So, why are some chicken eggs blue? It all comes down to genetics. The gene responsible for this beautiful blue color is called the oocyan gene. This gene causes a pigment called oocyanin to be deposited throughout the eggshell, making it blue both inside and out. It’s pretty fascinating how a single gene can create such a striking difference.

The Role of the Oocyanin Protein

Oocyanin is a pigment produced by the bile-producing glands in chickens. This pigment is different from the protoporphyrin pigment responsible for brown eggs. In the case of blue eggs, the pigment oocyanin is deposited early in the eggshell formation process, permeating through the entire shell. 

Frequent blue Egg-Laying Chickens

1. Araucana (Lavender Araucana)

First on our list in blue egg-laying chickens is Lavender Araucana.

Araucana Egg Count

Araucanas are moderate layers, giving you about 150-180 eggs a year.

Araucana Egg Size

Their eggs are medium-sized.

Araucana eggs.

Appearance of Lavender Araucana

Lavender Araucanas are quite unique with their tufted ears and lack of tail feathers. This breed stands out not only because of their egg color but also due to their distinct physical characteristics.


Araucanas come in various colors, including black, white, and lavender. The lavender color gives these birds a striking and elegant appearance.

Size and Weight

These chickens are medium-sized, weighing around 5-6 pounds.


They have a compact, upright shape that makes them look very distinctive.

Suitable Owners

Araucanas are perfect for those who want something unique and don’t mind a bit of a challenge, as they can be a bit temperamental. Their distinctive appearance and blue eggs make them a prized addition to any flock.

2. Ameraucana (Blue Ameraucana)

Next blue egg-laying chicken is Blue Ameraucana from America.

Egg Count

Ameraucanas lay about 150-180 eggs each year.

Egg Size

Their eggs are usually medium to large.

Blue Ameraucana Appearance 

These chickens have a distinctive look with their beards and muffs, which give them a fluffy, charismatic appearance around their faces.


Ameraucanas come in a variety of colors, including blue, black, and wheaten. The blue variety is particularly striking with its soft grayish-blue feathers.

Size and Weight

They are medium-sized birds, typically weighing around 5.5 pounds.


Ameraucanas have a robust and well-proportioned shape, giving them a sturdy and balanced look.

Suitable Owners

Ameraucanas are great for families because of their friendly and calm nature. They’re perfect if you have kids who want to help out with the chickens, as they are generally docile and easy to handle.

3. Cream Legbar

Cream legbar is also among blue egg-laying chickens.

Egg Count

Cream Legbars are prolific layers, producing up to 200 eggs a year.

Egg Size

Their eggs are medium to large.

Cream legbar eggs

Cream Legbar Appearance 

These hens have a distinctive crest of feathers on their heads, making them quite stylish and easily recognizable.


They are usually a mix of cream, brown, and gray, giving them a unique and attractive appearance.

Size and Weight

These are medium-sized birds, typically weighing around 5-7 pounds.


Cream Legbars have a sleek, streamlined shape, contributing to their elegant appearance.

Suitable Owners

If you’re looking for a friendly, easy-to-manage bird that lays lots of eggs, Cream Legbars are a fantastic choice. They are known for their calm and curious nature, making them great for beginners and experienced chicken keepers alike.

4. Easter Egger

Next among blue egg-laying chickens is multiple egg color producer Easter egger.

Egg Count

Easter Eggers can lay about 200-280 eggs per year.

Egg Size

Their eggs range from medium to large.

Easter Eggers Appearance 

Easter Eggers are a mixed breed, so they come in a wide variety of appearances. This diversity makes each Easter Egger unique.


They can be almost any color combination, including but not limited to black, white, brown, and gold. Their feathers can display a wide array of patterns and hues.

Size and Weight

These birds are medium-sized, typically weighing about 5-7 pounds.


Easter Eggers have varied shapes due to their mixed breeding, making them one of the most diverse-looking chickens.

Suitable Owners

If you love surprises, Easter Eggers are for you. Their eggs can be blue, green, or even pink! This variety in egg color, coupled with their friendly nature, makes them a fun and exciting choice for any backyard flock.

5. Cheshire Blue Chicken

Egg Count

Cheshire Blues are very productive, laying around 260 eggs per year.

Egg Size

Their eggs are large.

Cheshire Blue Appearance 

These hens are sleek and elegant with smooth feathers. They have a refined and sophisticated look that sets them apart from other breeds.


They are typically blue or gray in color, which contributes to their unique and attractive appearance.

Size and Weight

Cheshire Blues are a bit smaller, weighing around 4.5-5.5 pounds. This makes them more manageable for smaller spaces or for those who prefer smaller birds.


They have a refined and streamlined shape, enhancing their sleek and graceful look.

Suitable Owners

Cheshire Blues are ideal for those who want lots of eggs from a calm, friendly bird. Their manageable size and pleasant temperament make them perfect for families or anyone looking to add a prolific layer to their flock.

Occasionally Blue Egg-Laying Chickens

While some breeds are renowned for their consistent blue egg production, there are a few that only occasionally lay blue eggs. These breeds can add an element of surprise and variety to your egg basket.

1. Olive Egger

Olive Eggers primarily produce olive-green colored eggs. The exact shade of green can vary, sometimes appearing more bluish or brownish.

Olive Egger eggs.

Egg Count

Olive Eggers lay about 180-200 eggs each year. 

Egg Size

Their eggs are medium to large.

Olive Egger Appearance 

Olive Eggers have varied appearances because they are hybrids. This means they inherit physical traits from both parent breeds, leading to a diverse range of looks.


They come in a range of colors, reflecting their mixed parentage. This can include shades of black, brown, and even blue or green feathers.

Size and Weight

They typically weigh between 6-7 pounds, making them a bit larger than some other egg-laying breeds.


Olive Eggers have diverse shapes, again reflecting their mixed heritage. This makes each bird unique in its own way.

Suitable Owners

If you like both blue and green eggs and enjoy the unique traits of hybrids, Olive Eggers are a great choice. Their varied appearances and colorful eggs make them an interesting and rewarding addition to any flock.

2. Chocolate Easter Egger

Chocolate Easter Eggers primarily produce chocolate-brown eggs but can also produce eggs with a blue hue.

Egg Count

Chocolate Easter Eggers are prolific layers, producing around 200-280 eggs per year.

Egg Size

Their eggs are medium to large, perfect for various culinary uses.

Chocolate Easter Egger Appearance 

 Their heads are adorned with stylish crests of feathers, giving them an elegant and distinctive appearance. Additionally, they often have bright, alert eyes that reflect their curious and friendly nature.


Predominantly rich chocolate brown, they can also exhibit a variety of other colors and patterns, adding to their unique and attractive appearance.

Size and Weight

Medium-sized birds, weighing between 5-7 pounds, making them suitable for most backyard settings.


Well-proportioned with sturdy builds and a good posture, they look alert and healthy.

Suitable Owners

Ideal for families and hobbyists, Chocolate Easter Eggers are friendly, low-maintenance birds, and produce multiple color eggs.

10 egg-laying chickens for beginners.

Benefits of Blue Egg-laying chickens

 Ever wondered what makes those blue eggs so special? Let’s explore the wonderful benefits they bring to your coop:

Visual Appeal: Eggs That Stand Out!

Blue eggs are like little works of art in your egg basket. With their vibrant hues and eye-catching shades, they add a pop of color to your kitchen and make every meal feel like a celebration. Whether you’re baking a cake or frying up some breakfast, those blue eggs are sure to steal the show!

Novelty Factor: Eggs That Spark Conversations!

Who needs boring old white eggs when you can have blue ones? Blue eggs are a conversation starter, a fun talking point that never fails to impress. Whether you’re hosting brunch with friends or selling eggs at the farmer’s market, those blue beauties are sure to turn heads and make people smile.

Cultural Significance: Eggs with Symbolism!

In many cultures, blue eggs are considered a symbol of good luck, fertility, and prosperity. From ancient folklore to modern-day superstitions, these eggs carry a rich history and deep meaning. By adding blue egg-laying chickens to your flock, you’re not just getting eggs; you’re tapping into centuries of tradition and symbolism.

Nutritional Value: Eggs That Pack a Punch!

Believe it or not, Studies have shown that eggs with blue shells may have higher levels of certain vitamins and minerals, including omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants. So not only are you getting a feast for the eyes, but you’re also giving your body a boost with every bite.

Marketability: Eggs That Sell Themselves!

If you’re in the business of selling eggs, blue egg-laying chickens are a game-changer. With their unique color and exotic appeal, they practically sell themselves. Whether you’re selling them at a local market or through a farm stand, those blue eggs are sure to fly off the shelves and into the hands of eager customers.


In conclusion, incorporating blue egg-laying chickens into your flock is not just about adding color to your egg basket; it’s about embracing a world of beauty, practicality, and connection. From the stunning visual appeal of their eggs to the friendly personalities of the hens themselves, these chickens bring joy and enrichment to any backyard. So why wait? Dive into the wonderful world of blue eggs and discover the endless possibilities they offer. Your flock will thank you, and your breakfasts will never be the same again.

Breeds like Araucanas, Ameraucanas, Easter Eggers, and Olive Eggers are known for laying blue and green eggs.

In the UK, breeds such as the cheshire blue chickens, Cream Legbar and the Araucana are popular for laying blue eggs.

Araucanas, Ameraucanas, and Cream Legbars are considered some of the best blue egg layers.

All Ameraucana chickens can lay blue eggs. They come in various colors and varieties.

Blue egg-laying hens can be found through various sources, including local breeders, hatcheries, and online poultry supply websites.