Discover All about White Araucana Chickens: A complete Guide.

Know about White Araucana Chickens, their origin, appearance, Araucana vs Ameraucana,  characteristics, egg production, types of Araucana, owner suitability, Benefits of owning for enthusiasts and farmers and everything in detail.

White Araucana Chickens Origin and History

Where It Was Produced

White Araucana chickens were first produced in Chile, South America. The breed is named after the Araucanía region, which is home to the Mapuche people who originally bred these chickens.

Year of Development

The development of the Araucana chicken can be traced back to the early 20th century. It was officially recognized as a distinct breed in the 1920s.

Chickens Bred to Produce the White Araucana

To produce White Araucana chickens, breeders started by mixing native Chilean chickens, specifically the Collonca and Quetro breeds, with various European breeds such as Leghorns and Andalusians. They did this to get the best of both worlds – like the unique blue egg color and some interesting physical features.


Misconceptions Regarding White Araucana Chickens

Are Araucana Chickens and Ameraucana Chickens being same?

There’s a common mix-up between Ameraucana and Araucana chickens. While both lay those beautiful blue eggs, they’re actually quite different. Ameraucana chickens were developed in the U.S. and were bred to avoid some of the quirky features of Araucanas, like ear tufts and being rumpless (no tail).

Differences Between Araucana and Ameraucana Chickens

Araucana chickens often have those cool ear tufts and might lack a tail (rumpless), which makes them pretty unique. On the other hand, Ameraucana chickens don’t have ear tufts and they always have tails. Plus, Ameraucanas come in a bunch of different colors, whereas Araucanas are usually found in fewer color variations.

Pictures of Araucana chickens.

White Araucana Chicken Appearance

White Araucana chickens Colors

White Araucana chickens are predominantly white, but they might show slight variations in shading. Their feathers are usually a pure, clean white, which gives them a striking and elegant appearance.


These chickens have a compact and sturdy body. They’re medium-sized with a well-rounded chest and a firm, muscular build, making them look robust and healthy.

Comb and Wattles

White Araucana chickens have a pea comb, which is small and close to the head, making it less susceptible to frostbite. Their wattles are also small and well-defined, adding to their unique appearance.

Uniqueness in Physical Appearance

One unique feature of White Araucana chickens is their lack of a tail, a trait known as rumplessness. Some Araucanas have ear tufts, which are feathers that stick out from the sides of their faces, giving them a distinctive and charming look.

Araucana chickens.
Ear tufts

Size and Weight

White Araucana chickens are medium-sized birds. Males typically weigh around 5-6 pounds, while females weigh between 4-5 pounds.


White Araucana Chicken Characteristics

White Araucana chickens Temperament

White Araucana chickens are known for their super friendly and easygoing nature. They have a calm temperament and are easy to handle, making them great pets for families, even those with young kids. Plus, they get along well with other chickens and animals, so they’re a good fit for a mixed flock.


One of the best things about White Araucana chickens is how quiet they are. Unlike some breeds that can be quite noisy, these chickens tend to keep things low-key. This makes them perfect for urban or suburban settings where you want to keep your neighbors happy.

Hardiness and Adaptability

These chickens are also incredibly hardy and adaptable. They can thrive in all sorts of climates, whether it’s hot summers or cold winters. This resilience makes them a reliable choice for small-scale farmers who need chickens that can handle different weather conditions without a lot of extra care.

Excellent Foragers

Another great trait is their excellent foraging ability. White Araucanas love to roam around and search for insects, seeds, and plants. This not only keeps them entertained but also helps cut down on feed costs. They’re perfect for free-range systems where they can help control pests and improve soil health.

Unique Egg Production

White Araucanas are famous for their unique blue eggs. These eggs aren’t just pretty; they have stronger shells compared to typical white or brown eggs, so they’re less likely to break during handling and transportation. This durability is a big plus for backyard chicken keepers and small-scale farmers alike.

 10 egg-laying chickens for beginners.

Distinctive Appearance

In terms of appearance, White Araucana chickens really stand out. Many of them are rumpless, meaning they don’t have a tail, and some have cute little ear tufts—small feathers that stick out from the sides of their heads. 

Size and Weight

Finally, White Araucana chickens are medium-sized.  Their moderate size makes them easy to manage, whether you’re raising them for their eggs, as pets, or for show.

White Araucana Chickens Eggs

White Araucana chickens Egg Colors

Seriously, they lay eggs that are blue to greenish-blue, which is pretty unique and gets poultry enthusiasts all excited.

Chocolate easter egger: The multiple color egg-laying chickens.

White Araucana Chickens Egg Size

White Araucana eggs are just right—medium-sized, weighing in at around 50-60 grams each. So, they’re not too big or too small, just perfect for your breakfast scramble or baking adventures.

blue egg laying hens.

White Araucana Chickens Egg Production Per Year

They’ll give you about 150-180 eggs per year, which translates to around 3-4 eggs per week or 12-15 eggs per month. So, whether you’re looking for eggs to eat or just want some pretty ones to look at, these chickens have got you covered.

Differences in Eggs

Now, let’s talk about what makes these eggs special. Aside from their cool color, White Araucana eggs are believed to have stronger shells compared to your regular white or brown eggs. That means they’re less likely to crack or break, which is a big plus for backyard chicken keepers and farmers alike.

Egg Production in Different Climates

And here’s the best part—White Araucana chickens are adaptable to different climates. Whether you live in a hot and sunny area or somewhere with chilly winters, these chickens will keep laying those beautiful blue eggs, as long as they have proper shelter and care.

   Know about factors to maintain egg production.

Other Types of Araucana Chickens

While White Araucana chickens are the most well-known, there are other types of Araucanas worth mentioning. These include:

Black Araucana

Similar to White Araucanas, but with black plumage instead of white.

Blue Araucana

These chickens have beautiful blue-gray plumage.

Lavender Araucana

Known for their unique lavender-colored feathers.

Golden Araucana

These chickens have striking golden plumage.

White Araucana Chicken Benefits

For Enthusiasts

Unique and Beautiful Blue Eggs

Enthusiasts are drawn to the allure of White Araucana chickens for their ability to lay stunning blue eggs. These distinctively colored eggs not only add a touch of novelty to any collection but also serve as conversation starters among friends and family.

Araucana chicken eggs.

Distinctive Appearance

The distinctive physical features of White Araucana chickens, such as their rumplessness and occasional ear tufts, make them stand out in any flock. Enthusiasts take pride in raising these unique birds, appreciating their charming and individualistic traits.

Charming Personality

White Araucana chickens are beloved for their friendly and docile nature, making them delightful companions for enthusiasts. Their calm demeanor and gentle disposition create a pleasant environment in the backyard or on the farm, enhancing the overall enjoyment of poultry keeping.

White Araucana Chicken Benefits for Small-Scale Farmers

Hardy and Adaptable

The hardiness and adaptability of White Araucana chickens make them valuable assets for small-scale farmers. These resilient birds can thrive in various climates and conditions, requiring minimal intervention and contributing to a sustainable farming operation.

Natural Foragers

White Araucanas excel as natural foragers, reducing the need for costly feed inputs on the farm. Their ability to find insects, seeds, and plants not only supplements their diet but also lowers feed expenses, providing a financial benefit for small-scale farmers.

Moderate Egg Production

While not the most prolific layers, White Araucana chickens still offer a steady supply of eggs, averaging around 150-180 per year. For small-scale farmers, this consistent egg production represents a reliable source of income or valuable food resource.

Fertility and Broodiness

Another financial benefit of White Araucana chickens is their fertility and broodiness. These birds are known for their ability to hatch and raise their own chicks, eliminating the need to purchase expensive incubators or broody hens. 

Ornamental Value

The ornamental value of White Araucana chickens can provide a financial benefit for small-scale farmers. 

Chicken’s diet in summer and winter.

Owner Suitability

Suitable for Owners

Families: White Araucanas make wonderful pets for families, offering not only companionship but also practical benefits like egg production.

Urban Dwellers: For those living in urban areas, White Araucanas are ideal due to their quiet demeanor and low-maintenance nature. They won’t disturb neighbors with excessive noise and require minimal space and care.

Hobbyists: Enthusiasts looking to add unique and ornamental breeds to their flock will appreciate the charm of White Araucanas. Their distinctive appearance and novelty blue eggs make them a standout choice for hobbyist poultry keepers.

Not Suitable for Owners

High Egg Production: If you’re primarily focused on egg production and require a large number of eggs, White Araucanas may not meet your needs. They produce fewer eggs compared to some other breeds, so you may want to consider alternative options for maximizing egg yield.

Preference for Traditional Appearances: Individuals who prefer chickens with traditional appearances may find White Araucanas less appealing due to their unique physical traits such as rumplessness and ear tufts. If you’re looking for a more conventional-looking chicken, you may want to explore breeds with more traditional characteristics.

White Araucana Chicken Price

Initial Price

The cost of White Araucana chickens can vary based on factors like age, quality, and the reputation of the breeder. Generally, you can expect to invest between $10 to $30 per chick.

Where to Find White Araucana Chickens for Sale

White Araucana chickens are available for purchase from reputable breeders, established poultry farms, and online hatcheries. When sourcing your birds, it’s crucial to buy from a trustworthy source to ensure the health and authenticity of the chickens. Research breeders thoroughly, inquire about vaccination records, and consider visiting the farm or hatchery in person if possible, to assess the conditions firsthand.


Wrapping up, White Araucana chickens emerge as a delightful and versatile addition for both poultry enthusiasts and small-scale farmers. Their enchanting blue eggs, amiable nature, and adaptability make them a joy to have in any flock. While initial prices fluctuate, choosing reputable breeders guarantees a worthwhile investment. Whether for their ornamental appeal or moderate egg production, White Araucanas offer a blend of charm and practicality. By prioritizing quality and suitability, owners can relish the companionship and benefits these feathered friends bring to their backyard or farm.

White Araucana chickens lay blue to greenish-blue eggs, which are highly prized for their unique color.

White Araucana chickens are known for their friendly and docile temperament. They are generally calm and quiet.

The eggs of White Araucana chickens have a distinctive blue color and are believed to have stronger shells, making them less prone to breakage.

Araucana chickens often have ear tufts and are sometimes rumpless, while Ameraucana chickens do not have ear tufts and have tails. Additionally, Ameraucana chickens were developed in the United States and come in a variety of colors.

Araucana chickens typically lay around 150-180 eggs per year, making them good layers for both ornamental and practical purposes.

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