Austra White Chickens: Ultimate Guide to Egg Layers.

Know Austra White chicken’s origin, Appearance, chicks to egg layers journey, about egg production, traits, benefits, facts, owner’s suitability, price and all other things in detail.


Austra White hens are celebrated for their prolific egg-laying capabilities and adaptable nature, making them a popular choice for both commercial and backyard poultry farmers. Their distinctive appearance and productive characteristics distinguish them from other chicken breeds.

Austra White Chicken Origin and History

Name of Country

The Austra White hen was developed in the United States.


The breed was first introduced in the 1950s.

Reason for Production

The primary aim in developing the Austra White chicken was to create a hybrid that excels in egg production while maintaining the hardiness and temperament suitable for small-scale farming.

Is It Hybrid or Real?

The Austra White is a hybrid breed, created by crossing a White Leghorn rooster with an Australorp hen.

Why Is It Named Austra White?

The name “Austra White” reflects its parentage: “Austra” from the Australorp and “White” from the White Leghorn.

Austra White Chicken Appearance

Austra White Hen vs Rooster

Austra White hens and roosters have distinctive appearances. Hens tend to be slightly smaller and more streamlined, while roosters are larger with more pronounced combs and wattles.

Austra White chicken Colors

Austra White hens are predominantly white, with some displaying faint black speckles, particularly around the neck and wings.

Austra White Chicken Size, Shape, and Weight

Hens: Typically weigh between 4.5 to 5.5 pounds.

Roosters: Generally, weigh around 5.5 to 6.5 pounds. They have a medium-sized, sturdy build, with a well-proportioned body and a straight back.

Austra white chickens

Comb and Wattles

Both hens and roosters have single combs and wattles, but these features are more pronounced in roosters. The comb is medium-sized and bright red, while the wattles are similarly vibrant and well-developed, particularly in roosters.

Austra White Chicken Eggs

Austra White Chicken Egg Colors

Austra White hens lay large white eggs.

Austra White Chicken Egg Production

Weekly: 5 to 6 eggs

Monthly: 20 to 25 eggs

Yearly: Approximately 250 to 280 eggs.

Austra White Chicken Egg Size

The eggs are large, often weighing around 2 ounces each.

Austra White chicken eggs.

Austra White Chicken Egg Benefits

Health Benefits

Rich in Protein and Essential Vitamins: Austra White chicken eggs are an excellent source of protein and contain essential vitamins and minerals necessary for a balanced diet.

Lower Cholesterol Levels: Compared to some other eggs, Austra White eggs have lower cholesterol, making them a healthier choice for heart-conscious consumers.

High in Omega-3 Fatty Acids: These eggs are high in omega-3 fatty acids, which are beneficial for brain health and reducing inflammation.

Financial Benefits

Steady Income for Small-Scale Farmers: With their high egg production, Austra White chickens can provide a reliable source of income for small-scale farmers.

Strong Market Demand: There is a strong market demand for large white eggs, ensuring that farmers can sell their produce at a good price.

Austra White Chicken Characteristics

Austra White Chicken Temperament

Austra Whites are known for their calm and friendly disposition, making them excellent pets for families.

Noise Level

They are relatively quiet, making them suitable for urban or suburban settings.

Friendliness as a Pet

Their gentle nature and ease of handling make Austra Whites a favorite among children and novice chicken keepers.

Austra White Chicken Lifespan

Austra Whites typically live between 5 to 8 years, with proper care and nutrition.

Foraging Ability

They are active foragers, which helps in reducing feed costs and keeps them entertained.

High Adaptability

Austra Whites adapt well to various climates, thriving in both hot and cold environments.

Disease Resistance

 They are resistant to common poultry diseases, reducing the need for medications and veterinary care.

Moderate Broodiness

 While they do show some broodiness, it is not excessive, making them reliable layers.

Breeding Austra White Chicken

Breeding Austra White chicks involves crossing a White Leghorn rooster with an Australorp hen. This deliberate crossbreeding harnesses the best traits of both breeds, resulting in high egg production from the Leghorn and robust health and adaptability from the Australorp. This combination makes Austra Whites excellent layers and hardy birds, suitable for various climates and conditions. Breeding Austra Whites is a good choice if you aim to enhance your flock’s productivity and resilience.

Austra White Chicks

From hatching to egg-laying age.

Day-old Austra White Chicks: At this stage, Austra White chicks are small, fluffy, and yellow. They require warmth, such as from a heat lamp, and gentle care to thrive.

All about Austra White chicks.

One Week Old: After a week, they begin to show white feathers, indicating healthy growth. Ensure they have access to a balanced starter feed and clean water.

One Month Old: By one month, Austra White chicks are fully feathered with juvenile plumage. They are more active and can be gradually introduced to outdoor environments, provided the weather is suitable.

Three Months Old: At three months, the chicks are larger and more robust. They continue to grow rapidly and develop more mature feathers. This is a good time to introduce them to the rest of your flock under supervision.

Five to Six Months Old Austra White Chicks: At this age, Austra White chickens are nearing maturity. They exhibit the adult traits of their breed and start showing signs of readiness to lay eggs. Ensure they transition to a layer feed to support their nutritional needs for egg production.

Hen’s food for summer and winter.

Six Months and Older: Austra White chickens typically start laying eggs around six months of age. Their egg production will ramp up, and they will consistently lay large, white eggs. Regular care, proper nutrition, and a stress-free environment will help maintain their productivity and health.

Austra White Chicken Facts

Hybrid Breed: Austra White chickens are hybrids, created by crossing White Leghorns with Australorps. This cross results in a breed that combines the best traits of both parent breeds.

High Adaptability: These chickens are highly adaptable and can thrive in various environments, from hot to cold climates, making them versatile and easy to care for.

Excellent Layers: Austra White chickens are prolific egg layers, capable of producing up to 280 large, white eggs per year. This makes them an ideal choice for those looking to maintain a steady supply of eggs.

Calm Temperament: Known for their calm and friendly disposition, Austra Whites are excellent for families and novice chicken keepers.

Disease Resistance: Austra Whites are resistant to common poultry diseases, which reduces the need for medical interventions and ensures a healthier flock.

Efficient Foragers: These chickens are active foragers, which helps reduce feed costs and keeps them engaged and healthy.

Longevity: With proper care and nutrition, Austra White chickens typically live between 5 to 8 years, making them a long-term addition to any flock.

Moderate Broodiness: While they do exhibit some broodiness, it is not excessive, allowing for consistent egg production without frequent interruptions.

Owner’s Suitability

Suitable Owner for Austra White Chicken

Small-Scale Farmers Seeking High Egg Production: Austra White chickens are perfect for small-scale farmers aiming for high egg production, as they can lay up to 280 eggs annually, providing a consistent income stream.

Families Looking for Friendly and Easy-to-Care-for Pets: With their friendly nature and low-maintenance requirements, Austra Whites are great pets for families, especially those with children.

Urban Dwellers Needing Quiet, Low-Maintenance Chickens: Austra White chickens are quiet and adaptable, making them ideal for urban or suburban environments where noise and space may be limited.

Unsuitable Owner for Austra White Chicken

Those Looking for a Purely Ornamental Breed: While visually appealing, Austra White chickens are bred primarily for egg production rather than ornamental purposes, so they may not satisfy individuals seeking purely ornamental breeds.

Farmers Seeking a Breed Primarily for Meat Production: Austra Whites are not optimized for meat production, as their focus is on egg-laying rather than meat yield, making them less suitable for farmers prioritizing meat production.

Austra White Chicken Prices

Chicks Price

Austra White chicks typically range from $3 to $5 each, depending on the breeder and quantity purchased.

Where to Find Austra White Chicks for Sale

Local Breeders

Check local poultry farms and breeders specializing in hybrid breeds.

Online Platforms

Murray McMurray Hatchery: Known for a wide variety of breeds, including Austra Whites.

Cackle Hatchery: Offers Austra White chicks with detailed care instructions.

My Pet Chicken: Provides small orders for backyard enthusiasts.


The Austra White chicken epitomizes the fusion of practicality and charm in the world of poultry. Its unparalleled egg-laying prowess, coupled with its gentle disposition, renders it a quintessential choice for both seasoned farmers and novice pet bird enthusiasts alike. Beyond its utilitarian virtues, the Austra White embodies a sense of resilience, effortlessly adapting to diverse climates and lifestyles with grace. As a beacon of hybrid vigor and reliability, this breed stands as a testament to the enduring bond between humanity and its feathered companions, enriching lives and landscapes with its presence.

Austra White chickens are known for their calm, friendly, and docile personalities, making them excellent pets and easy to handle.

Austra White chickens typically start laying eggs at around 5 to 6 months of age.

Austra White chickens can lay between 250 to 280 eggs per year, making them highly productive layers.

The typical lifespan of an Austra White chicken is between 5 to 8 years, depending on care and living conditions.

The price of an Austra White chicken varies, with chicks costing between $3 to $5 each, and adult chickens ranging from $15 to $25, depending on the breeder and region.

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