All about Columbian Wyandotte Chicken breeds and chicks: complete guide.

Know Columbian Wyandotte Chicken, their origin and history, appearance, egg production, maintaining egg production, Wyandotte chicks at all ages, facts, prices, owner suitability, and many more in detail.

All about Columbian Wyandotte Chicken.

Columbian Wyandotte Chicken Origin and History

The Columbian Wyandotte chicken has an interesting history that dates back to the late 19th century in the United States.

City and Country Name

The breed was developed in the state of New York, USA, with significant contributions from poultry breeders in the region.

Why was it named as Columbian Wyandotte chicken?

The Columbian Wyandotte chicken was named for its distinctive color pattern, reminiscent of the Columbian Exposition of 1893, and it also honors the Wyandotte tribe of Native Americans.

Contributors Name

John P. Ray and Fred Houdlette are often credited with the creation of this breed. They aimed to develop a hardy, dual-purpose bird suitable for both meat and egg production.

Hybrid or Real-breed

The Columbian Wyandotte is a real breed, although its development involved crossing several other breeds.

Which Chickens Were Bred to Produce It?

To create the Columbian Wyandotte, breeders used a mix of Silver Laced Wyandottes, White Wyandottes, and other local varieties. This combination resulted in the breed’s distinctive appearance and robust characteristics.

Columbian Wyandotte Chicken Appearance

Columbian Wyandotte Chicken Hen vs Rooster

Columbian Wyandotte chicken Colors 

Columbian Wyandottes are primarily white with striking black lacing around their necks, wings, and tails. This black-and-white contrast gives them a distinctive, elegant appearance.

Columbian Wyandotte Chickens

Columbian Wyandotte chicken Size

These chickens are medium to large-sized

  • Hens: Columbian Wyandotte hens typically measure around 16 to 18 inches in height.
  • Roosters: Columbian Wyandotte roosters generally stand about 18 to 20 inches tall.

Shape and Weight

The breed has a broad, rounded body with a deep, full breast, making it look robust and sturdy.

  • Hens: 6.5 to 8 pounds.
  • Roosters: 8.5 to 9 pounds.

Comb and Wattles

Both hens and roosters have a rose comb, which is low, flat, and covered with small points. Their wattles and earlobes are red, adding a touch of color to their faces.

Eyes Color and Shape

Columbian Wyandottes have bright, reddish-bay eyes that give them an alert and expressive look.


Their legs are yellow and sturdy. They have clean legs without feathering, which makes them easy to keep clean.

Columbian Wyandotte Chicken Eggs

At What age Columbian Wyandotte Chicken start laying eggs?

Columbian Wyandotte hens start laying eggs at around 20 to 24 weeks of age.

Columbian Wyandotte chicken Egg Colors

The eggs are light brown, sometimes with a slight pinkish tint.

Columbian Wyandotte Chicken eggs.

Columbian Wyandotte Chicken Egg Production 

Columbian Wyandotte hens are reliable layers, typically producing:

Weekly: 4 to 5 eggs

Monthly: 16 to 20 eggs

Columbian Wyandotte chicken egg production per year: Approximately 200 to 240 eggs.

7 blue egg-laying hens as pets.

Stop Egg-Laying Age

Their egg production generally starts to decline after 3 to 4 years, though they may continue to lay sporadically for several more years.

Maintaining Columbian Wyandotte chicken Egg Production

Balanced Diet: Provide high-quality poultry feed with 16-18% protein and calcium for strong eggshells.

Food for hens in summer and winter.

Fresh Water: Ensure clean water daily to maintain hydration, which is essential for egg production.

Daylight: They need 14-16 hours of daylight to stimulate their egg-laying cycle naturally. Supplement with artificial light during shorter days to maintain consistency.

Stress-Free Environment: A clean, quiet coop with ample space reduces stress, encouraging regular egg-laying.

Columbian Wyandotte breeds.

Columbian Wyandotte Chicks

Hatching to Egg-Laying Age

From the moment they hatch to when they start laying eggs, Columbian Wyandotte chicks undergo several stages of growth:

Hatching: Newly hatched Columbian Wyandotte chicks are fragile and covered in soft down. They require a warm brooder environment with a temperature of approximately 95°F during their first week to thrive.

1-4 Weeks: During the initial four weeks, chicks experience rapid growth. They begin developing feathers, becoming more active as they explore their surroundings. Gradually lower the brooder temperature by 5°F each week as they grow more resilient.

5-8 Weeks: By 5-8 weeks, Columbian Wyandotte chicks are usually fully feathered and capable of tolerating outdoor temperatures, provided they have adequate shelter.

9-16 Weeks: At this stage, young Columbian Wyandottes transition from chick feed to grower feed, which supports their continued growth and development. They become more adventurous, establishing social hierarchies within their flock.

17-24 Weeks: Approaching maturity, Columbian Wyandotte chickens exhibit adult behaviors. Hens begin to develop their combs and wattles, while roosters may start crowing to establish their dominance within the flock.

Start Egg-Laying Age: Columbian Wyandotte hens typically begin laying eggs at around 20 to 24 weeks of age, marking the culmination of their growth journey from hatchling to productive layer.

Complete diet and house setup for chicks.

Columbian Wyandotte Chicken Facts

  • Dual-Purpose Breed: Columbian Wyandottes are valued for both meat and egg production.
  • Cold Hardy: Their rose comb and dense feathers make them well-suited for colder climates.
  • Friendly Temperament: Known for their calm and friendly nature, they make great pets.
  • Good Foragers: They enjoy free-ranging and are efficient foragers, which can help reduce feed costs.
  • Beautiful Appearance: Their striking black and white plumage makes them a favorite among poultry enthusiasts.

Owner Suitability

Why and Who Should Choose Columbian Wyandotte breeds?

  1. Backyard Enthusiasts: Ideal for those starting or expanding a backyard flock. They are friendly birds known for their consistent egg production.
  2. Small Farmers: Dual-purpose nature suits small farms needing both meat and eggs. They are efficient and easy to manage.
  3. Families with Children: Their calm temperament makes them suitable for families with kids. They are gentle and easy to handle.

Why and Who Should Not Choose Columbian Wyandotte breeds?

  1. High Egg Production Needs: If you require very high egg production, breeds like Leghorns might be more suitable. Columbian Wyandottes lay consistently but not as prolifically as some other breeds specialized for egg production.
  2. Space Constraints: They need space to forage and roam. They are not ideal for very confined spaces or urban settings without access to outdoor areas.

Columbian Wyandotte Chicken Prices:

Chicks Prices: The cost of Columbian Wyandotte chicks typically ranges from $3 to $5 per chick. Prices can vary based on the breeder, location, and quantity purchased.

Columbian Wyandotte Chicken Breed Prices: Adult Columbian Wyandotte chicken breeds can be priced between $20 to $50 each. The price variation depends on factors such as the bird’s quality, lineage, and breeding standards.

Where to Buy Columbian Wyandotte Chicken for Sale:

Online Hatcheries: Several reputable online hatcheries offer Columbian Wyandotte chicks and adult birds, including:

  • Murray McMurray Hatchery
  • Cackle Hatchery
  • My Pet Chicken

Local Breeders: Local breeders are another excellent source for purchasing Columbian Wyandotte chicken breeds. Contact local poultry clubs or agricultural extensions for recommendations on reputable breeders in your area.

Farm Supply Stores: During the spring and summer months, some farm supply stores may also carry Columbian Wyandotte chicks. It’s advisable to check with them directly for availability.


Columbian Wyandotte chicken emerges as a versatile and charming addition to any backyard or small farm. Originating from New York in the late 19th century, this breed, crafted by pioneers John P. Ray and Fred Houdlette, embodies both aesthetic appeal and practicality. With their striking black and white plumage, these pet birds not only excel in egg production, averaging 200 to 240 eggs annually but also serve well as dual-purpose birds for meat. Their calm temperament makes them ideal for families and beginners alike, while their adaptability to various climates ensures they thrive in diverse environments. 

Columbian Wyandottes are known for their friendly and calm nature, making them excellent pets. They are easy to handle, good with children, and adapt well to various environments.

The average lifespan of a Columbian Wyandotte chicken is around 6 to 8 years, may be up to 10 as well.

On average, a Columbian Wyandotte hen can produce between 200 to 240 eggs per year.

Columbian Wyandotte hens typically start laying eggs at around 20 to 24 weeks of age.

Columbian Wyandottes are calm, friendly, and easy to manage. They are not aggressive and tend to get along well with other chickens and people.

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