Know everything about Ameraucana Black: The Productive pet.

Discover all about Ameraucana Black, from the origin, appearance, traits, blue eggs production, Ameraucana rooster vs hen, benefits, price, and many other things in detail, If you’re looking to add a truly unique and beautiful chicken to your flock, the Ameraucana Black is a fantastic choice. 

Ameraucana Black Origin and History

The Ameraucana breed came into existence in the United States during the 1970s. It was developed from the Araucanas, a South American breed famous for laying blue eggs. However, Araucanas had some less desirable traits, such as tufted ears and being rumpless (lacking a tail). Breeders aimed to eliminate these traits, leading to the creation of the Ameraucana, a breed with all the good qualities and fewer of drawbacks.

Development of the Ameraucana Black Variety

Among the various color varieties of Ameraucana recognized by the American Poultry Association (APA), the Black Ameraucana stands out. Developing this particular color variety required meticulous breeding to achieve the rich, consistent black plumage along with the breed’s unique characteristics, such as their signature blue eggs and friendly temperament.

Ameraucana Black Appearance

 Ameraucana Black Colors

The feathers of Black Ameraucanas are jet black with a glossy finish, giving them a sleek, elegant appearance that is especially eye-catching at exhibitions.

Unique Color Traits

One of the standout features of the Black Ameraucana Black is the iridescent green sheen on their feathers. This shimmering effect adds a touch of elegance, particularly noticeable in bright sunlight.

Comparisons to Other Varieties

Compared to other Ameraucana varieties like Blue, Wheaten, or Silver, the Black variety’s uniform color and reflective feathers give them a more dramatic and captivating appearance.

Know about Black Ameraucana roosters

Ameraucana Black Size and Weight

Black Ameraucana hens usually weigh between 5.5 and 6.5 pounds, while black Ameraucana roosters are a bit heavier, averaging between 6.5 and 7.5 pounds. 

Comb Size, Shape, and Color

Ameraucana Blacks have a small, pea comb (absent some time), which is less prone to frostbite compared to larger combs. The comb is red, matching their wattles (absent some time) and earlobes, and provides a striking contrast against their dark feathers.

Unique Features in Appearance

Ameraucana Black Muffs and Beards

One of the distinctive features of Black Ameraucana Black is their muffs and beards, which give their face a fuller, more rounded look. This trait not only enhances their aesthetic appeal but also offers some protection against cold weather.

Eye Color

Black Ameraucanas have bay-colored eyes, a warm, reddish-brown shade that stands out beautifully against their dark plumage.

Black Ameraucana Characteristics: Understand Them Better

Ameraucana Black Temperament

When it comes to temperament, Black Ameraucanas are gems. They’re known for their calm and friendly nature, making them a joy to have around. 

Suitability as Pets

Looking for a feathered friend? Black Ameraucanas are an excellent choice. With their gentle demeanor and sociable attitude, they make wonderful pets. They love human company and often enjoy following their owners around the yard. 

Black Ameraucana Lifespan

Expect your Black Ameraucana to be with you for the long haul. On average, they live for about 7 to 8 years with proper care. 

Egg Layers

When it comes to laying eggs, Black Ameraucanas are top performers. They reliably produce around 200 to 250 eggs per year, each one boasting that distinctive blue hue. 


Finding Black Ameraucanas is not too difficult if you know where to look. While they may not be as common as some other breeds, they’re still readily available from reputable breeders and hatcheries. 

Egg-laying Ability in Different Climates

No matter where you live, Black Ameraucanas are adaptable birds. They thrive in various climates, from mild to extreme. With the right shelter and care, they’ll continue to lay their beautiful blue eggs.

 Ameraucana Black chicken.

Black Ameraucana Hen vs. Black Ameraucana Rooster

Let get yourself ready for face off:

Physical Differences

When it comes to distinguishing between Black Ameraucana hens and Black Ameraucana roosters, there are a few key physical differences to look for. Roosters are generally larger and more robust than hens, with broader shoulders and more pronounced features overall. Additionally, roosters often have longer and more prominent hackle feathers around their necks, as well as more impressive tail feathers.

Behavioral Differences

Beyond their physical appearance, Black Ameraucana roosters also exhibit distinct behavioral differences compared to hens. Roosters are naturally more protective and vigilant, keeping a watchful eye over the flock and alerting others to potential threats. They tend to be more vocal and assertive, asserting their dominance within the group. This protective instinct makes roosters valuable guardians of the flock, ensuring the safety and cohesion of the group.

Ameraucana Black Eggs

Ameraucana black egg Laying Age

When it comes to Black Ameraucanas, you can expect your hens to start laying eggs around the age of 5 to 6 months. Of course, this timeline can vary slightly. 

Black Ameraucana Egg Color

Now, let’s talk about what makes Black Ameraucana eggs truly special: their color! These beauties lay eggs in a stunning blue hue, which is a signature trait of the breed. This egg color is due to a blue pigment called oocyanin.

Black Ameraucana eggs.

Black Ameraucana Egg Production Per Year

If you’re looking for reliable layers, Black Ameraucanas won’t disappoint. On average, a single hen can produce anywhere from 200 to 250 eggs per year. With their consistent laying habits and vibrant egg color, they’re sure to become a favorite in your flock.

Here are 10 more consistent egg-laying chickens.

Factors Affecting Black Ameraucana Egg Production

Ameraucana Black Diet

Research suggests that the diet of Black Ameraucana hens significantly influences egg production. Studies have shown that a balanced diet rich in protein, calcium, and essential vitamins positively impacts the number and quality of eggs laid.

 Chicken food in summer and winter.


Scientific studies have confirmed the importance of lighting in regulating the reproductive cycles of poultry, including Black Ameraucanas. Adequate exposure to light (14 to 16 hours), mimicking natural daylight cycles, is crucial for stimulating egg production.


Research has indicated that temperature extremes can disrupt the hormonal balance of hens, leading to decreased egg production. Providing a controlled environment with optimal temperature ranges helps maintain consistent laying patterns.

Predator-Free Environment

Studies have highlighted the detrimental effects of stress on egg-laying behavior in chickens. Creating a predator-free environment, supported by research-based predator control strategies, helps minimize stress and maximize egg production in Black Ameraucanas.

Safehouse/Nest Setup

Research findings emphasize the importance of nest design and placement in promoting egg-laying behavior. Providing secluded and comfortable nesting areas with appropriate bedding materials enhances the nesting experience for Black Ameraucanas, leading to improved egg production outcomes.

  Know complete house setup for chicken, while knowing blue leghorn rooster.

Black Ameraucana Roosters

Let’s Discover the Importance of Having Black Ameraucana Roosters

Protection and Security

Let’s start by highlighting the essential role Black Ameraucana roosters play in providing protection and security to the flock. Their presence helps deter predators and alert hens to potential threats, creating a safer environment for egg-laying and overall well-being.

Social Dynamics

Black Ameraucana roosters contribute significantly to establishing and maintaining social order within the flock. Their leadership helps ensure cohesion among the hens, reducing stress and promoting healthier egg-laying behaviors.

Fertilization and Breeding

Another crucial aspect is the role of Black Ameraucana roosters in fertilizing eggs and perpetuating the breed. Their mating behavior stimulates egg production and ensures the continuation of the lineage, leading to higher hatch rates for breeding purposes.

Communication and Coordination

Black Ameraucana roosters serve as communicators within the flock, guiding hens to resources such as food, water, and safe nesting areas. Their vocalizations and body language facilitate coordination, optimizing the efficiency of daily flock activities.

Behavioral Stability

Finally, the presence of a dominant Black Ameraucana rooster helps maintain behavioral stability within the flock. By establishing boundaries and reducing aggression among hens, roosters create a harmonious environment conducive to optimal egg production.

Benefits of Black Ameraucanas: Enhancing Your Flock and Your Finances

Captivating Beauty and Allure

Envision the enchanting sight of your backyard adorned with the captivating presence of Black Ameraucanas. With their glossy black feathers and mesmerizing blue eggs, these birds add an irresistible allure to your flock, creating a scene straight out of a countryside dream.

Delightful Culinary Creations

Picture the joy of indulging in the culinary delights created by the vibrant blue eggs laid by Black Ameraucanas. These eggs aren’t just for eating—they’re for elevating your cooking to new heights, inspiring gourmet dishes that tantalize the taste buds and leave your guests craving more.

Warm Companionship and Endless Entertainment

Imagine the warmth of companionship and the endless entertainment provided by these gentle and sociable birds. Spend leisurely afternoons in the company of your feathered friends, sharing stories and forging bonds that last a lifetime.

Unlock Financial Prosperity

Consider the enticing financial opportunities that come with raising Black Ameraucanas. Their unique appearance and colorful eggs have the potential to fetch premium prices, opening doors to profitable ventures in specialty egg markets and breeding programs. With a bit of entrepreneurial spirit, your passion for poultry keeping could blossom into a lucrative business venture.

Embrace the Journey to Success

If you’re ready to embark on a journey filled with beauty, joy, and financial prosperity, Black Ameraucanas are your ticket to success. Seize the opportunity to enrich your life and your bank account with these remarkable chickens by your side.

Ameraucana black price

Typically, Ameraucana black chicks can range from $5 to $10 each, offering an affordable entry point for those starting their flock. As they grow into pullets (young hens), you might expect to pay between $15 to $30 per bird. 


Ameraucanas Black offer a myriad of benefits, from their stunning appearance and colorful eggs to their friendly demeanor and potential financial gains. Throughout this article, we’ve explored their origin, appearance, egg-laying capabilities, and factors influencing their production. With their captivating beauty, delightful companionship, and promising profitability, these chickens are a valuable addition to any flock. Whether you’re a poultry hobbyist, a backyard farmer, or an aspiring entrepreneur, investing in Black Ameraucanas promises to enrich your life in more ways than one. So, don’t hesitate to welcome these remarkable birds into your coop and enjoy the countless rewards they bring.

Black Ameraucana eggs are typically a beautiful shade of blue, ranging from pale sky blue to deeper turquoise.

On average, a Black Ameraucana hen lays about 200 to 250 eggs per year.

Chicks usually cost between $5 and $10, pullets range from $15 to $30, and adult birds may be priced higher depending on quality and breeder reputation.

Leghorns are often the cheapest hens, known for their high egg production and lower cost.

Ameraucana Blacks are known for their calm, friendly, and curious nature, making them great pets and additions to backyard flocks.

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