Mystic Marans Chicken: Everything You Need to Know.

Raising Mystic Marans chickens: know about the history, appearance, characteristics, Mystic Marans chickens eggs, ways to maintain egg production, financial benefits, predators, ways of protection from predators, and many more in detail.


Mystic Marans chickens are a truly special breed that has captured the hearts of poultry enthusiasts. With their eye-catching appearance and impressive egg-laying abilities, these chickens are much more than just ornamental. Mystic Marans offers both beauty and practicality, making them a perfect choice for anyone looking to raise chickens.

Mystic Marans chickens Origin and History

Mystic Marans originated in France, specifically in the town of Marans. Developed in the early 20th century by local farmers and poultry enthusiasts, they aimed to create a robust and productive bird. By crossbreeding local chickens with breeds like the Croad Langshan and Coucou de Malines, they succeeded in producing chickens known for their hardiness and distinctive dark brown eggs.

Why is it Named as Mystic Marans?

The name “Mystic Marans” reflects both the breed’s mysterious and somewhat elusive origins and its association with the town of Marans. The term “mystic” underscores the bird’s enchanting appearance and the allure of its dark, chocolate-brown eggs.

Mystic Marans Chicken Appearance

Mystic Marans Chicken Colors

Mystic Marans chickens come in various color variations, such as black copper, blue copper, and splash. Among these, the black copper variety stands out, showcasing deep, dark feathers accentuated by vibrant copper tones.

Mystic Marans Chicken Shape

Mystic Marans typically possesses a broad, deep body structure complemented by a well-rounded chest and a slightly upright tail. Their legs are indeed strong and often adorned with feathers.

Mystic Marans Chicken Size and Weight

Mystic Marans chickens are considered medium to large birds. Typically, roosters weigh between 3 to 3.5 kilograms (7 to 8 pounds), while hens are slightly lighter, weighing around 2.7 to 3.2 kilograms (6 to 7 pounds).

Mystic Marans chicken.

Mystic Marans Chicken Characteristics

Mystic Marans chickens Temperament

Mystic Marans chickens are cherished for their calm and friendly temperament. They are easy to handle and are known to get along well with other chickens, making them a wonderful choice for families and beginners entering the world of poultry keeping.


These chickens demonstrate remarkable hardiness and adaptability to various climates. They can endure both hot and cold weather conditions, although providing adequate shelter during extreme temperatures is advisable for their optimal health and well-being.

Foraging Ability

Mystic Marans possess excellent foraging skills. They have a natural inclination to explore their surroundings and can efficiently find a significant portion of their diet while free-ranging. This innate foraging behavior not only fulfills their natural instincts but also contributes to reducing feeding costs for their owners.

Suitability as Pets

With their amiable nature and striking appearance, Mystic Marans make superb pets. They are not prone to aggression and can harmoniously coexist with other chicken breeds, adding versatility and joy to any flock.

Mystic Marans chicken eggs.

Mystic Marans Chicken Eggs

One of the standout features of Mystic Marans chickens is their eggs. These birds are prolific layers and provide a steady supply of large, delicious eggs.

when do mystic Marans start laying

Mystic Marans typically starts laying eggs around 5 to 6 months of age, with peak production typically occurring between 1 and 2 years of age.

Mystic Marans Chicken Egg Colors

The eggs laid by Mystic Marans are highly esteemed for their rich, chocolate-brown hue.

Mystic Marans Chicken Egg Production Per Year

Mystic Marans hens are good layers, producing about 200 to 250 eggs per year. This translates to approximately 16 to 21 eggs per month.

10 champions egg-laying chickens.

Ways to Maintain Mystic Marans Chicken Egg Production

To keep your Mystic Marans laying regularly, it’s important to focus on several key factors.

Diet’s Effect on Egg Production

A balanced diet rich in protein, calcium, and essential vitamins is crucial for optimal egg production. High-quality layer feed, along with occasional treats like mealworms and fresh greens, can keep your hens healthy and productive.

Chickens diet in summer and winter.

Temperature’s Effect on Egg Production

Temperature plays a significant role in egg production. Ideally, keep the temperature between 55-75°F. Extremes in temperature can stress the birds and reduce their laying frequency.

Lighting Effect on Egg Production

Adequate lighting is essential for consistent egg production. Hens need about 14-16 hours of light per day. During shorter days in winter, supplemental lighting can help maintain production levels.

Predator-Free Environment Effect on Egg Production

A safe, predator-free environment is crucial. Stress from predators can lead to decreased egg production. Ensuring secure housing and vigilant monitoring can protect your flock.

Foraging Space Effect on Egg Production

Providing ample foraging space allows the chickens to engage in natural behaviors, reducing stress and promoting better health, which in turn supports higher egg production.

Positive Interactions Effect on Egg Production

Positive interactions with humans and other chickens can enhance a hen’s well-being. Regular handling and a peaceful flock environment contribute to consistent egg laying.

Mystic Marans eggs.

Mystic Marans Chicken Financial Benefits

Owning Mystic Marans opens up various avenues for financial gain.

Selling Eggs: The unique dark brown eggs laid by Mystic Marans fetch a premium price in the market. Their novelty and desirability make them a sought-after choice among egg connoisseurs.

Breeding: Breeding Mystic Marans can prove to be a profitable endeavor. These birds are in high demand among poultry enthusiasts and small-scale farmers, making them valuable assets in breeding programs.

Selling Chicks: Another lucrative option is selling day-old chicks or young pullets. Establishing a reputation for providing high-quality, healthy birds can attract customers willing to pay a premium for these sought-after breeds.

Other Financial Benefits: Mystic Marans chickens offer various other avenues for financial benefits. These may include participating in poultry shows and competitions, offering chicken-related products such as feathers or organic fertilizers, and providing chicken-related services like chicken-sitting or consulting for new chicken owners. With creativity and dedication, owning Mystic Marans chickens can indeed be a rewarding venture both financially and personally.

Mystic Marans Chicken Potential Predators


 Raccoons pose a significant threat to Mystic Marans chickens as they are skilled at breaking into coops. They can easily bypass basic coop defenses and wreak havoc on a flock, often targeting chickens during the night while they roost.


 Foxes are cunning predators that can quickly decimate a flock if given the opportunity. They are known for their stealthy approach, often stalking their prey before launching a sudden attack. Foxes are particularly dangerous to free-ranging chickens, as they can easily ambush them in open spaces.


Hawks and other birds of prey are a risk to Mystic Marans chickens, especially when they are allowed to free-range. These predators typically target smaller animals, swooping down from above with incredible speed and precision. Their sharp talons and beaks make them formidable adversaries for chickens caught unaware.

Ways to Prevent Predators

Secure Coops

To safeguard your flock, it’s essential to ensure your coop is meticulously built and fortified. Check for any gaps or weak points that predators could exploit to gain access. Regular maintenance and reinforcement will help keep your chickens safe from intruders.

complete chicken house setup with proper measurements, while knowing about blue leghorn rooster.

Electric Fencing

Installing electric fencing around your coop perimeter can be an effective deterrent against ground-based predators like raccoons and foxes. However, it’s crucial to install and maintain electric fencing correctly to avoid accidental shocks to humans or unintended wildlife.

Protective Netting

Utilizing protective netting over the run can provide invaluable defense against aerial attacks from hawks and other birds of prey. Be sure to choose netting that is sturdy and properly secured to prevent predators from tearing or bypassing it.

Guard Animals

Employing guard animals such as dogs or geese can offer an additional layer of protection for your chickens. These animals are natural predators to many chicken threats and can help deter potential intruders. 

It’s important to consider the temperament and training of these guard animals to ensure they are compatible with your flock and pose no risk of harm to your chickens or other pets.

Mystic Marans Chicken Price


The initial cost of purchasing Mystic Marans chickens typically ranges from $10 to $30 per chick, depending on factors such as the reputation of the breeder, the quality of the stock, and the specific color variety of the bird.

Ongoing Expenses

Maintaining Mystic Marans chickens entails ongoing expenses, including feed, bedding, healthcare, and maintenance supplies. On average, owners can expect to spend approximately $10 to $20 per month per bird to ensure their health and well-being.

Where to Find Mystic Marans Chickens for Sale?

If you’re in the market for Mystic Marans chickens, consider exploring reputable platforms such as hatcheries, poultry shows, and online marketplaces. Reputable breeders often showcase their birds at poultry shows, where you can interact directly with breeders and assess the quality of their stock. 

Well-established online poultry marketplaces offer a wide selection of Mystic Marans chickens from various breeders, providing convenience and accessibility. Local farming networks and community bulletin boards can also be fruitful sources for finding reputable sellers in your area. 


Mystic Marans chickens are a delightful and valuable asset to any backyard flock. Their stunning looks, impressive egg production, and friendly personalities make them a joy to raise. Whether you’re a seasoned chicken enthusiast or just starting out, Mystic Marans offers a perfect blend of beauty and utility. Consider adding these wonderful birds to your flock for a rewarding and enjoyable experience in poultry keeping.

The average life span of a Mystic Marans chicken is 5 to 8 years, though some can live longer with proper care.

Mystic Marans chickens produce approximately 200 to 250 eggs per year.

Mystic Marans chickens lay deep chocolate-brown eggs.

Maintain a balanced diet, adequate lighting, a predator-free environment, sufficient foraging space, and positive interactions to sustain egg production. Full explanation is above in article.

Potential predators include raccoons, foxes, and hawks.

Mystic Marans typically start laying eggs around 5 to 6 months of age, with peak production typically occurring between 1 and 2 years of age.


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