When Do Parrots Start Talking? 1 attractive Guide on different species:


Before talking about when do parrots start talking? we should introduce parrots first. Parrots, renowned for their exceptional mimicry skills, have fascinated humans for centuries. One of the most common questions among prospective parrot owners is, “When do parrots start talking?” This article aims to explore this question thoroughly, providing insights into the talking abilities of parrots, the factors influencing these abilities, and various techniques to enhance their talking skills.


Talking Abilities of Parrots

Why Parrots Can Talk

Parrots possess a unique ability to mimic human speech due to their advanced vocal learning capabilities. Unlike many other bird species, parrots have specialized vocal muscles and a highly developed brain area responsible for vocalization, enabling them to reproduce sounds with remarkable accuracy.

Famous Talking Parrots

Throughout history, several parrots have gained fame for their exceptional talking abilities. One notable example is Alex, an African grey parrot trained by Dr. Irene Pepperberg. Alex demonstrated an extensive vocabulary and comprehension of human language, challenging the notion that only humans can engage in meaningful communication.

when do parrots start talking?
When parrots talk.

When Do Parrots Start Talking?

Different Parrot Species and Their Talking Ages

The age at which parrots start talking varies significantly among different species. While some may begin vocalizing at a few months old, others may take several years to develop their talking skills. Here’s a general overview:

African Grey Parrots:

African greys typically start talking between 12 to 18 months of age, although some may start as early as 6 months.

When do parrots start talking?
When do parrots start talking?

 Amazon Parrots:

Amazon parrots usually begin vocalizing around 6 to 12 months old.

when do parrots start talking?
Talk in friendly way


Budgerigars (Budgies):

Budgies are known for their early talking abilities, with some starting as young as 3 to 4 months old.


Cockatoos may start talking between 6 months to 2 years of age, depending on individual variation and environmental stimulation.

 Eclectus Parrots:

Eclectus parrots often start talking between 8 to 12 months old.

Factors Affecting Parrots’ Talking Abilities

Environmental Factors

The environment plays a crucial role in shaping a parrot’s ability to talk. A stimulating and enriching environment encourages vocalization and cognitive development. Exposure to human speech, interactive toys, and social interaction positively impact a parrot’s talking skills.

Internal Body Factors

Internal factors such as genetics, hormonal balance, and overall health influence when a parrot starts talking. Parrots with genetic predispositions to vocalization may exhibit earlier talking abilities, while poor health or hormonal imbalances can delay speech development.

Owner Factors

The bond between a parrot and its owner significantly affects the bird’s talking abilities. Regular interaction, positive reinforcement, and patient training enhance a parrot’s willingness to mimic speech and learn new words.


After getting a little information of question i.e. when do parrots start talking? we should now focus on different techniques to enhance talking abilities of parrots.

Conventional Techniques for Enhancing Talking Abilities

  1. Repetition and Reinforcement:  Consistent repetition of words and phrases, accompanied by positive reinforcement through treats or praise, reinforces a parrot’s learning and encourages vocalization.
  2. Socialization: Exposing parrots to a variety of social situations, including interactions with humans and other birds, stimulates their cognitive abilities and encourages vocal mimicry.
  3. Auditory Stimulation: Playing recordings of human speech or other vocal sounds can inspire parrots to mimic and learn new sounds more effectively.
when do parrots start talking?
when do parrots start talking?

Modern Techniques for Enhancing Talking Abilities

  1. Interactive Learning Apps: Specialized apps designed for teaching parrots to talk provide interactive exercises and games that engage their cognitive faculties and promote speech development.
  2. Speech Recognition Devices: Utilizing speech recognition devices, such as smart speakers or tablets, allows parrots to interact with technology and learn from a diverse range of voices and accents.

Cost-Effective Techniques for Enhancing Talking Abilities

  1. DIY Training Toys: Crafting simple, homemade training toys using household items can provide inexpensive yet effective stimulation for parrots, encouraging vocalization and cognitive development.
  2. Natural Sound Exposure: Allowing parrots to spend time outdoors or near open windows exposes them to a variety of natural sounds, enriching their auditory environment and stimulating speech development.

    when do parrots start talking?
    when do parrots start talking?


Additional Tips and Tricks: When do parrots start talking?

Patience and Consistency: Patience is key when teaching a parrot to talk. Consistent daily practice and positive reinforcement yield the best results.

Variety in Vocabulary: Introducing a diverse range of words and sounds keeps training sessions interesting and enriches a parrot’s linguistic repertoire.

Individualized Approach: Recognize and respect each parrot’s unique learning pace and preferences, adjusting training techniques accordingly.

Healthy Diet: Providing a balanced diet rich in nutrients supports overall health, which is essential for optimal cognitive function and speech development.


In conclusion, the age at which parrots start talking varies depending on factors such as species, environment, and individual characteristics. By understanding these factors and employing effective training techniques, owners can help their parrots develop impressive talking abilities and strengthen the bond between human and bird.



  1. At what age do parrots start talking?

   Parrots can start talking as early as a few months old, but the timing varies among species and individuals. various species have been discussed in this article while answering the question when do parrots start talking?

  2. How long does it take for a baby parrot to talk?

   The time it takes for a baby parrot to start talking varies, but consistent training and a stimulating environment can expedite the process. More and efficient detail has been discussed in the article while answering when do parrots start talking?

  1. When did the first parrot talk?

   The exact timing of the first talking parrot is uncertain, but historical records indicate instances of talking parrots dating back centuries. one notable example is Alex, an African grey parrot trained by Dr. Irene Pepperberg.

  1. Can parrots talk or just repeat?

   Parrots have the ability to mimic and comprehend human speech to varying degrees, demonstrating a capacity for meaningful communication rather than mere repetition.

     5. At what age does an African grey start talking?

   African grey parrots typically start talking between 12 to 18 months of age, although individual   variation exists. various other species age have also been discussed in this article while answering the   question when do parrots start talking?

  1. How much time does an Indian ringneck parrot take to speak?

   Indian ringneck parrots may start talking around 8 to 12 months old, but consistent training and           socialization are essential for speech development.

     7: What can I do to help my parrot talk?

Consistent training, social interaction, and exposure to human speech are key factors in developing       a parrot’s talking abilities. Other more detailed methods were discussed in respective article.

     8: Can all parrots learn to talk?

While some species are more adept at mimicry than others, with proper training and stimulation,          most parrots can learn to mimic human speech to some extent. various other specific species                talkative behavior also been discussed in this article while answering the question when do parrots        start talking?

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